How do I setup my Splash Access page with a Cisco Meraki access point?

How do I setup my Splash Access page with a Cisco Meraki access point?

To add your Splash page into the Cisco Meraki access point you will firstly need to login to your meraki control panel.
Once you have successfully logged in please follow the steps below.

1) Splash Page Settings
Click on Wireless – Splash Page
Select your SSID from the drop down
Under Custom splash URL :-
Select ‘Or provide a URL where users will be redirected’
Enter the URL of the Splash page into the input box i.e
Under Splash behavior :-
Change the Splash frequency to Every day
Click on Save Changes

2) Access Control Settings
Click on Wireless – Access Control
Under Network Access :-
In Association requirements – Select ‘Open (no encryption)’

In Splash page – Select ‘Click-through’
Scroll down to Walled Garden and Select Walled Garden is Enabled from the drop down
In Walled Garden Ranges –

If you are using SplashAccess Without Social Media or Payment gateways use the following :






Click on Save Changes

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